
7:30am - All teams meet at PV High School parking lot (corner of Cloyden and Dalton).  Please line up as pictured below.  The Tee Ball teams will be at the bottom of the stairs lined up by team.  Followed by Rookie teams, etc.




8:00 am - Parade Begins.  Parade leader and PVEPD will escort the teams up the PV High corner stairs and up Dalton Road to LB Plaza, then up PV Drive West to LBLL.


8:30 am - All teams will line up on Iannitti Field for our Opening Day Ceremony.


9:00 am - Breakfast Burritos and Donuts
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
  1. Rock Climbing Wall
  2. Laser Tag
  3. Kickball games
  4. Drip Station
  5. Patch Station
11:00 am - 5:00 pm Snack Shack Grill Open
12:00 pm-4:00 pm Handels Ice Cream cart
6pm Casino Night

Game Schedule 

Major Field
930am - Challenger
11am - Rangers v. White Sox
1pm - Mets v. Mariners
4pm - Phillies v. Padres

Minor Field - Tee Ball Games
9am Trash Pandas v. Dodgers
10:15am Peaches v. Crawdads
11:30am Party Animals v. Flying Squirrels
12:45pm Whitecaps vs. Chihuahuas

PVIS - Rookie Games
9:30am Aquasox v. Jumbo Shrimp
11am Mudcats v. Toros
12:30pm Rapidos v. Y'Alls
2pm Peaches v. Vibes
3:30pm Perros Santos v. Bananas


Picture Schedule