Admirals Baseball is a community-based offseason program created for players in the Lunada Bay area who want to continue playing limited baseball in the fall season. The fall season is intentionally limited to respect the importance of arm rest and recovery, as recommended by medical experts, preparing players for the upcoming spring season.

Unlike club baseball teams, Admirals Baseball welcomes all players—no tryouts, no cuts. This volunteer-run program is led by coaches who have a genuine passion for the game and a desire to nurture young talent within their community. The focus of Admirals is not on competition; it's about fostering a love for baseball and providing a platform for skill development in the off season.

Admirals Baseball operates differently from club baseball. There are minimal costs involved, usually related to uniforms or field rentals. Unlike teams that travel extensively and compete every weekend, Admirals players focus on other fall sports while still taking limited time to play baseball in the fall. The goal is to keep baseball accessible and enjoyable without the pressure of constant tournaments.

If you're interested in joining Admirals Baseball or forming a group for a specific age group, please reach out to Lunada Bay Little League for more information. Let's play ball together and celebrate the spirit of baseball in our community!